About the company
Our company specializes in metal transformation and offers comprehensive services from development to product deployment. We provide our customers with a wide range of services, including design, development, processing, and manufacturing of metal products for various purposes. Our service offerings encompass the processing of metal materials using various techniques such as laser cutting, bending, sawing, bending, welding, and sanding. We can adapt to various customer requirements and produce metal parts and components according to their specifications.

since 1969
he path to success began in 1969 when Stanko Černivec founded the company SKSČ s.p. From the very beginning, the company’s primary focus was on combining quality with innovation. In 1984, the company was renamed SKHČ s.p. as it was taken over by his son, Herman, who continued the company’s tradition.
As the company continued to develop, grow, and expand into new markets, it was renamed POK d.o.o in 1989 (metal transformation and processing).
POK d.o.o. Today
In addition, our services also encompass the entire product development process. We collaborate with customers in designing metal products, including conceptual planning, modeling, and prototyping. Our goal is to provide high-quality products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers. We work alongside our customers from start to finish to ensure comprehensive support and quality products that fulfill their needs and expectations.
About Company
Name : POK d.o.o.
Long name : POK, podjetje za preoblikovanje in obdelavo kovin d.o.o.
Address : Severova 5, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenija
Registration number : 5294754
VAT registration number : SI76330109
Transakcijski računi
- IBAN SI56 0420 2000 0231 185 (NOVA KBM d.d.)
- IBAN SI56 1010 0004 5065 516 (BANKA KOPER d.d. Dvojezična firma: BANKA KOPER d.d. – s.p.a.)
Dejavnosti SKD :
- C25.620 – Mehanska obdelava kovin
Dejavnost :
- G 51.18 posredništvo, specializirano za prodajo določenih izdelkov “razen posredništva pri prodaji farmacevtskih izdelkov”
- G 52.488 trgovina na drobno v drugih specializiranih prodajalnah, “razen trgovine z orožjem in strelivom”.
Lokacija & Delovni čas
Naslov: Severova 5,
2250 Ptuj,
Pon–Pet: 7.00–15.00
Sob: Zaprto
Ned: Zaprto
Lahko pokličete na spodnjo telefonsko številko,
Telefon: +386 (02) 748 00 10
Faks: +386 (02) 748 00 11
E-pošta: info@pok-ptuj.si